Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Flat Stanley in Galapagos Islands

Our Flat Stanley project is in gear once again and the kids are sending their Stanleys to friends and relatives this week. Stanley also travels throughout the year and we have requests from travellers to take him along. Currently he is in Nicaragua, Mexico, and Vancouver at the Olympics. You can follow his Olympic Adventure at http://olympicflatstanley.posterous.com/ He attended a one day whirlwind trip with a grade 7 student last week and will also be attending the women's bronze medal hockey game on Thursday with another friend! He is also off to China with his Grandma in March! In August he visited the Galapagos Islands with our school secretary. Here are some pics of him enjoying Galapagos!

1 comment:

  1. Galapagos, China & Vancouver, guy really gets around!! I love this project!
