Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Trickster Comes to Town

April 14 - 17 brought Trickster Theatre to our school. Our class was lucky enough to have Flat Stanley as the star of our part of the show. Trickster Theatre is a creative "artist in residency " program in Alberta which brings a talented actor or actress to our class who guides the kids through developing their own creative theatre piece for presentation to an audience on Friday. It was an amazing experience. Our class presented "Flat Stanley's Fantastic Flight" which saw Stanley travel to Calgary to see the Calgary Tower and the Saddledome, to Scotland to see curling, to New Zealand to see the mountains and the filming of Lord of the Rings, to Outer Space to experience generosity, and back to Alberta to Drumheller to see a dinosaur dig. Stanley and friends encountered a giant dinosaur in Drumheller that taught them how to be generous. It all fit around our Character Education theme of Expect Respect.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our Flat Stanley Project

Our Flat Stanley Project was very well received with every one we sent it to. We received many pictures back by e-mail, and several scrap books and souvenirs came in the regular mail. Our project began at the beginning of February when we sent a Stanley to a friend or relative any where in the world. Some went to places as near as Bashaw, AB, and some went as far as Oman and New Zealand. Here are some photos of a couple different Stanleys, as well as the bulletin board display in our classroom.

Flat Stanley Around the World

Flat Stanley traveled around the world to places such as Malaysia, New Zealand, Oman, Phoenix and Yuma AZ, and Cancun and Playa Del Carmen MX. Watch carefully for other versions of Stanley!

Flat Stanley in the Domincan Republic

Stanley traveled with Mrs. Lunty to the Domincan. Looks like he had LOTS of fun!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Where Has Stanley Been?

Here is an i-google map of all the places our Stanleys visited! Wow! You have to zoom out on this map to see it, I am not sure how to get the map to view without having to zoom out.

View Where Has Stanley Been? in a larger map

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Check out the Original Flat Stanley site!

It is amazing how many places Stanley has been! Check it out at www.flatstanley.com

Friday, April 10, 2009

Flat Stanley Begins

At the beginning of February we sent Flat Stanley to friends and relatives all over the world. He traveled to such locales as New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Oman, and Paraguay to name a few. After a week or so we started to get Stanleys back. The kids were very excited to see the souvenirs that Stanley brought back from each place.